Thursday, February 12, 2009

Move along

Just some quick updates before we kick off this (hopefully for you) extended weekend: Visit the bandcamp site to check out the latest. A brand spanking new track from Pat, and Dano added some ambiance to Central America. My Presidents Day is looking like I'll have some time to be doing some recording so hopefully something will weasel its way through here. I've been quite the creative loafer recently. Besides Hangout Collective I've recently started two new projects that have hit the ground running(what a perfect jinx I've set up for myself!), I also have a third that has been lying dormant for about 2 years but is itchin to get back going. I'm sure once baseball starts up and the weather lends itself to some more outside, this will all slow down but for now I'm not complaining.

I came across this quote the other day by Gary Numan, apparently from a Wired interview:

"Pop style has stopped happening. Style used to be, in part, a record of the technological limitations of the media of each period. The sound of the Beatles was the sound of what you could do if you pushed a '60's-era recording studio absolutely as far as it would go. Artists long for limitations: excessive freedom casts us into a vacuum. That is why "vintage" synthesizers are hotter right now than more flexible and powerful machines. Digital artists also face constraints in their tools, of course, but often these constraints are so distant, scattered and rapidly changing that they can't be pushed against in a sustained way."

Then someone in the comments quoted Geddy Lee with the phrase "option anxiety".

I thought they were pretty cool, embrace your limitations!

If you are still ye of little inspiration, there's always Oblique Strategies

I added some links on the right ---> if you are the type to subscribe to internet sitez, add this one to stay up to date. I prefer Google Reader and so far I am the only subscriber, so hit that up.


  1. How's it goin? I have a scratch rhythm-guitar track idea on the BackTrack thing. I'd like to get a better version of this into PT with South America 2 this weekend.

    What do you think?

  2. Central Phil, Central!

    Sounds good to me!

  3. Any chance of getting that there 'em chords for one off? BPM too.

  4. I'll ask Pat to chime in, but for starters in the beginning I was noodling around D, then harder down stroke chords he hits are E. That's about all the help I can be...
